Hello and Welcome to Al's Place. This web site has been developed purely as a hobby, and is intended as a place to support my other interests. Currently you will find information about the Honda Hornet motorcycle, and also the support pages for my software. There are also links to other useful or interesting sites. If you have visited (or written) any good sites which might be relevant please let me know about them. If I like them I might include a link to them.
This site should work well on most browsers and is best viewed at a screen resolution of at least 800 x 600. I have been able to test it on both the Windows and Linux platforms, using a variety of web browsers on each, and am happy that everything should work as planned.
With a bit of luck it should work on perfectly well on the Apple Mac as well, but since I don't have a Mac I can't try it to be sure. Maybe I'll buy a Mac in the future, but until then I would appreciate any feedback from Mac users about any layout issues there may be. Thanks in advance.
If you do have any problems or find any errors on the site (e.g. missing
links, spelling mistakes, etc) please let me know so that I can fix them.
I hope you like the site, and more importantly find it useful and/or interesting.